Google Console manual indexing not working for me

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Is it just me, for the last few weeks, i have not been able to manually submit my pages for indexing on Google search console. Are you experiencing the same problem? Plus my pages are moving in and out of index rapidly? What is going on?

Shane wrote: Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:14 am Is it just me, for the last few weeks, i have not been able to manually submit my pages for indexing on Google search console. Are you experiencing the same problem? Plus my pages are moving in and out of index rapidly? What is going on?
Hi Shane. Google announced a couple of weeks back that they will be working on upgrading their indexers. And they indicated that during this time, you will not be able to do manual indexing on console. They had announced that the services may resume around the end of this month. Hopefully next week it will be working. Consider using third-party indexers for now.
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